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OMEGA Complete Temperature Measurement Handbook and Encyclopedia® has 1500+ full-color pages featuring a wide selection of temperature measurement and control products. Included are thermocouple probes and assemblies, handheld instruments, intelligent panel meters, recorders, wire, infrareds and more. Includes prices (U.S. Dollars) and ordering information.
Over 200 pages of valuable technical information.
OMEGA Complete Flow and Level Measurement Handbook and Encyclopedia® has over 700 full-color pages featuring a comprehensive selection of flow and level measurement products and systems. Includes technical articles and easy-to-use selection guides, plus prices (U.S. Dollars).
Over 60 pages of valuable technical information.
OMEGA Complete Pressure, Strain, and Force Measurement Handbook and Encyclopedia® features over 700 color pages, covering pressure switches, load cells, strain gages, controllers, recorders, dataloggers, transducers, and much more. Includes technical articles, prices (U.S. Dollars) and selection guides.
Over 90 pages of valuable technical information.
OMEGA Complete Data Acquisition and Computer Interface Handbook and Encyclopedia® offers over 650 full-color pages with products including communications-based systems and plug-in cards for IBM, Apple, PS/2, and Macintosh computers. Includes newest prices (U.S. Dollars) and specifications for software for data acquisition and control.
Over 40 pages of valuable technical information.
OMEGA Complete pH and Conductivity Measurement Handbook and Encyclopedia® has over 500 color pages featuring electrodes and accessories, lab instrumentation, field service products, industrial control systems, auxiliary equipment, and data acquisition systems. Prices (U.S. Dollars) and ordering information are included.
Over 40 pages of valuable technical information.
OMEGALUX Complete Electric Heaters Handbook and EncyclopediaTM offers equipment for thousands of industrial and lab, electric heating and temperature control applications. Over 700 color pages present heating cables, strip, cartridge, tubular, immersion, lab, specialty, and band heaters. Includes prices (U.S. Dollars) and ordering information. Over 80 pages of valuable technical information.
The OMEGA EnvironmentalTM Green Book contains hundreds of devices for lab and industrial monitoring and control of various environmental parameters. Includes water/ wastewater sampling, air flow and sampling, gas monitors and alarms, test kits, leak detectors, pH and conductivity devices, and more. Prices (U.S. Dollars) and ordering information included.

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